Saturday, December 12, 2009

My Guinea Pigs

This is Slinky and my dad's sock (above) and Twinkie (below)

I just got my two guinea pigs last saturday.They're really fun to have.If you don't have a pet and your mom or dad won't let you get a dog,cat,whatever then try getting guinea pigs.My guinea pigs are still getting used to me so whenever I try to pick them up they run around like crazy trying to get away from me.Soon they'll probably get used to me.Once they're in my lap they calm down.They're VERY talkitive creatures. They have all sorts of squeaks and chirps and whistles.One of them I named Slinky. She's called Slinky because she can stretch herself out super long and then squeze really really tiny. My other guinea pig is named Twinkie. She's named Twinkie because she's black,white, and carmel kind of like a twinkie.If you're having trouble thinking of names just observe what their personalities are like and you'll come up with a name sooner or later.


  1. Your guinea pigs, Slinky and Twinkie, are adorable. Try to remember that they only pee and poop on you because they love you!

  2. Slinky and Twinkie are the best looking guinea pigs I ever saw! It's great that you give them exercise time every day-I'm sure that pretty soon they will be running all over the house! Very good pictures too!

  3. Hi - these guys are adorable. Guinea pigs love oranges and tangarines. They are really good for them too. They need vitamin C so they don't get sick with scurvies. I love these guys. Post lots of pictures. Thanks :-) Eveewonder

  4. These are so much more fun then those silly Zhu Zhu pseudo pets.

    You set up this blog at age 10? I really should get a blog up too. I am so embarrassed I've never gotten it done.

  5. Your Guinea Pigs are so cute. It's great the way you are sharing your knowledge with the world. Keep up the great work.

  6. Awe! Your guinea pigs are adorable! It is so neat that you are posting interesting information about what you do with them as well. Keep up the good work and have fun with it.

  7. Great blog -

    It is great that you put up photos of your pets so we can see them. It gives us a much better idea of what you are talking about when you refer to them by name. Always good to put a name with a face!


  8. My daughter is jealous, she would love to have guinea pigs. It sounds like you are doing an excellent job taking care of them.


  9. They're both so cute! I love guinea pigs!

  10. My goodness, those are two of the cutest guinea pigs I have ever seen. Hint: Never leave them out in the sun. I lost one that way when I was moving.

  11. Those pictures are so cute! You are a really good writer, too. Keep it up!

  12. Now those are some cute guinea pigs right there! I'm not sure which one is my favorite. I like them both. Are they boys or girls?

    Your blog is very nice. I passed it along to my niece who is a pet-lover also. She will love it!

    K Aqua

  13. Oh what fabulous little pets you have! Your a very good writer and I look forward to reading more of your posts. Happy Holidays!

  14. Your guinea pigs look oh so cute! I used to keep hamsters as pets; I loved holding the little guys in my hands.

    Good luck with your blog, and your sweet little guinea pigs.

